Welcome-Mr. Normand Jefferson Frost to Santa’s Village

Santa’s Village in Jefferson, NH has recently called upon its fans to find a name for their beloved iconic snowman, and the fans came through! Known to guests for decades as  simply “Frosty” the park reached out to its fans on Facebook  in April to give the snowman a proper name. This week a winner was named-Valerie […]

What In God’s Name? The Chapels of Kiddieland

One of the most unusual things you’ll begin to notice when you visit a lot of kiddie parks is the amount of churches you’ll find. When you think about an amusement park today, it is hard to imagine that something so blatantly religious could be an important part of a family’s vacation. Don’t forget, most […]

A Whale of a Tale to Tell!

Forget Shamu, because whether it’s a retelling of Jonah and the Whale, Pinocchio’s Monstro or Moby Dick, many kiddie parks consider a big ol’ whale a centerpiece of their park’s landscape. We’re going to take a look at a few of these whales and try not to tell any fish tales in the process! One of the […]

Do you know your Elfabet?

You are probably familiar with Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, right? Well I bet none of you have heard of “Vollymolly, Alphy, Quantam, or Xixie?” These are some of the names of Santa’s 26 elves according to the Elfabet Game at Santa’s Village in Jefferson, New Hampsire! The Elfabet game is a scavenger hunt style […]